- How can we help you?
- How do our Digital Voucher System work?
- How do we verify user's digital vouchers?
- How do we charge?
If you are already selling gift voucher(s), we can list and sell your voucher(s) to our customers.
If you want to sell gift voucher(s), we have a Digital Voucher System that can get you started immediately.
Our Digital Voucher System works by tagging and sending your vouchers directly to your user’s mobile via SMS.
Users are required to generate a Secure One Time Pin to claim their voucher(s). You may enter the One Time Pin in our Admin App or POS (Integrated Solution) to verify the claim.
All One Time Pin expires after 5 minutes. Once Expired, users are required to re-generate a new pin to claim.
For listing your existing paper vouchers, it’s free. We charge our customers a small service fee.
If you are considering selling Digital Voucher(s), we charge a small commission for every voucher sold online.